Arthur Sadoun – Addressing the stigma and insecurities of working with cancer

Usually when I am talking to Arthur Sadoun, Chairman and CEO of Publicis Groupe, we discuss the international marketing and communications industry and business in general. But today is a very different conversation because Arthur shares with me an open, honest and vulnerable account of his journey with cancer.  From how it was discovered, how he has felt through his treatment as well as the challenging navigation and decisions around how, who and when to share the news with his loved ones with his company, the Plc board and client and business networks.

You will be drawn in by Arthur’s charming, kind and entertaining personality and that is before you even hear him talk about the incredible campaign ‘Working With Cancer’ he launched through the Publicis Groupe at the World Economic Forum at DAVOS, to address the sigma of living with a cancer diagnosis at work.

50% of people diagnosed with cancer are afraid to tell their employer about their diagnosis, despite 92% feeling that support at work positively impacts their health. I have been living with Cancer for 13 years, so I am delighted to be working with Arthur and his brilliant Publicis team on this much needed campaign and he explains how easy it is for every business to sign the pledge and get involved.

Cancer affects us all, directly or in-directly so I’m sure this conversation will resonate you and I’m so very grateful to Arthur for sharing his personal story and even more for launching this campaign. He is in so many ways an extraordinary man.

If you found this conversation inspiring please forward it to your colleagues and friends and if you can sign the pledge, however small or large your company, see the links below.

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